IB Diploma Programme

(CLASS OF 2026)
Summer 2024
Creativity, Activity, Service
The Creativity, Activity, Service requirement will kick off at the beginning of junior year, and requires your active participation for 18 consecutive months (including the summer between your junior and senior years). Prepare by previewing the CAS website and doing one of the following:
On the Service page, identify a world issue you would like to take action on and/or a community organization where you can volunteer, or find a community organization of your own. Contact them and set up a regular volunteering schedule that will continue into your junior year.
Sign up for a fall sport or an activity like the marching band, or design a regular fitness regimen of your own that you can implement and carry through into your junior year. There are lots of ideas on the Activity page.
There are so many ways to enjoy making your mark on the world. Take a look at the Creativity page for some ideas, and identify a project that you can work on in the first month or two of the new school year.