"Exploring and extending ideas leading to an original or interpretive product or performance"
Imagining, “maker culture,” engineering, designing, making a new fix, devising, putting your own spin on things, expressive writing, acting, forming, bringing something new or unique to light, inventing, formulating, concocting, taking a spin at the malleable nature of things.


Related to the arts:
Make: a film, a painting, a drawing, a sculpture, an article of clothing, designs for a fashion line, a photographic series
Learn: a musical instrument, a computer program like Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.
Write: a play, a novella, a script, a speech, an essay, some poetry, a translation
Compose: music, choreography
Collaborate with others and combine these on a large-scale CAS Project.
Beyond the arts:
Run a marketing campaign for a student-led activity
Learn a computer language and use it to create a program
Learn a foreign language (other than your IB languages) and use it to create a written or spoken work (essay, poetry, etc)
Work with your neighborhood organization on a beautification project
Learn about, design, plant, and care for a landscaping project
Create an invention that solves a problem or makes something easier
Take cooking classes
Develop a website
Design and build furniture