Creativity Activity Service
for the IB Diploma Programme (grades 11 & 12)
Based on the IB CAS guide for first assessment in 2017
For MYP (grades 9 & 10), see our page on MYP Service and Action

Students will build a portfolio on ManageBac that demonstrates their weekly involvement (2-3 hours/week) with experiences in Creativity, Activity, and Service. CAS begins in October of junior year and continues straight through April of the senior year, for a total of 18 months, Students participate in three formal interviews with their CAS Advisor., but are encouraged to check in more often. Students are successful when they work to document their experiences as they happen. The completed CAS portfolio on ManageBac and all documentation are due no later than April 20 each year. Students demonstrate their progress toward meeting seven learning outcomes through their involvement in these experiences:
Identify strengths and areas for personal growth.
Undertake new challenges and develop new skills in the process.
Initiate and plan one or more CAS experiences.
Show commitment and perseverance in one or more CAS experiences.
Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.
Engage with issues of global significance.
Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions associated with CAS participation.
To promote a balanced CAS program, students at TJHS must demonstrate participation with at least four different CAS experiences with no more than two unique learning outcomes being counted for each. Students are encouraged to build evidence of their growth relative to each learning outcome by involvement in multiple experiences.

An important principle of CAS is that the overall program has a plan. Students should set goals for what they want to achieve through their involvement with CAS, and at least one CAS experience needs to be a CAS Project that, among other things, demonstrates planning. The Stages of CAS are two cycles that support this outcome.
Cycle 1: Investigation / Preparation / Action.
Cycle 2: Reflection / Demonstration
Reflection occurs throughout the process, both with the Investigation/Planning/Action cycle, and as a part of the Reflection/Demonstration cycle.

Students must include at least one CAS Project in their program.
A CAS Project addresses at least one CAS Strand and:
a show of initiative in developing the project;
demonstration of the use of the CAS Stages in identifying, planning, carrying out, and reporting about the project;
sustained engagement, persevering over a significant period of time;
collaboration with others throughout the project.
"All the world is my school and all humanity is my teacher”
George Whitman