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The IB Diploma Programme

at Thomas Jefferson High School

What is the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme?

The IB Diploma Programme (DP) is a holistic approach to providing students a rigorous and comprehensive experience in the last two years of high school.  Juniors and Seniors at Thomas Jefferson have the exciting opportunity to participate in the DP.   

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  • Each course is taught over two years.

  • The standards-based curricula, found in internationally-developed course guides and syllabi, provide students the opportunity to develop a framework of understanding that they can continue to build on in their postsecondary endeavors.

  • The course guides include how each course is assessed. Students are assessed through practical work scored by their teachers and by international examiners and exams scored internationally.

  • In DP courses, students will develop skills and knowledge they may not otherwise learn until college. Participation in the DP can be challenging, but it also gives students the opportunity to work at a postsecondary level while still benefitting from the support systems of high school and home.

  • At Thomas Jefferson, a junior or senior can participate as an IB Diploma Candidate or as a DP Courses Scholar.

    • An ​IB Diploma Candidate takes six subject courses in various disciplines, three at Standard Level (SL) and three at Higher Level (HL). They also complete the IB Diploma Core: the Theory of Knowledge course, the Extended Essay, and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS). Students who successfully complete all components for courses and the core are candidates to receive the IB Diploma, based on their final scores.

    • DP Courses Scholar takes fewer subject courses. They may or may not complete the DP Core. They receive scores from IB for all subjects with completed components. 

  • Some colleges and universities award credit to students who earn scores on their DP Subject work. The score needed and the amount of credit awarded varies by educational institution. Search "IB Recognition" on the university's website or contact them to learn more.


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