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About the MYP @TJHS

The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme is a curriculum framework in which teachers weave the requirements of IB with their own local and state requirements.

IB Grades 9-10

At ninth and tenth grades, the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme supports the growth and development of high school students. Teachers incorporate IB requirements into the coursework and at the same time prepare students for End-of-Course SOL testing. Students select coursework from required subject groups. Teachers develop curriculum units that build conceptual understanding, use inquiry-based teaching strategies, develop Approaches to Learning skills and assess students on what they know and can do. MYP students participate in service learning and interdisciplinary projects at least once each semester. Tenth grade students concentrate on their personal projects during the fall semester.


MYP courses are arranged in a progression that helps students meet requirements for Diploma Programme prerequisites as well as meet requirements for Virginia graduation.


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